Customer required the inside of a large wet back booth which was leaking water lining with polyurea. The unit was too large to remove from site so Lima envec were contracted to carry out the works on site.
Picture of the internals of the tank prior to lining. The internals were scarified and sanded back to base metal. Any corroded metal removed.
The substrate then subjected to a chemical bonding agent and sprayed with Polyurea spray. The new 6 mm thick polyurea lining seals all the pin holes and forms a chemical resistant waterproof barrier.
This picture shows the internals of the tank during the lining process. The new membrane following the contours of the internals if the tank. The polyurea material is fast setting, typically touch dry in 3 seconds.
This picture illustrates the final coating. A seamless water proof chemically resistant lining. The works were carried out over an 8 hour shift and the tank put back in service the same day.